Release notes
Version Jan 19, 2025
Error correction in calculation of the correction table GAIN.cbf
in the INIT step.
Improved estimation of the image background in the presence of
diffuse scattering.
Version June 30, 2024
Major revision of the INIT
step for increased execution speed.
Modifications of the table
The gain values are now estimated at every 4th detector image
pixel and multiplied by 1000 for storage as integer in the
compressed file GAIN.cbf.
The background values for each image pixel are multiplied by
1000 for storage as integer in the compressed files
BKGINIT.cbf and
BKGPIX.cbf, respectively.
Input parameter STRONG_PIXEL=
(previously used by the COLSPOT step) is now obsolete and has
been replaced by the parameter
affecting steps INTEGRATE and now COLSPOT as well.
(previously used by the INIT step) is now obsolete.
Input parameters
is now used only by INTEGRATE. In the INIT step it has
no effect anymore.
A new method for estimating the background in each image
pixel has been implemented in the COLSPOT and INTEGRATE steps
of XDS. Visual feedback of the computations is now provided by
the control images
for a selected image specified by the new input parameter
Documentation of old reflection file formats
that are still accepted by XDSCONV, XSCALE.
A new independent utility program,
is provided that computes correction tables used for analysis of electron
diffraction patterns by XDS or nXDS.
A new independent utility program,
is provided that analyzes crystal symmetry as specified by given
space group number and unit cell parameters.
Error correction of the automatic determination of reflection shape
in case of extremely sharp diffraction spots.
Warning message issued for too large values (>4) provided by the user
in XDS.INP for the parameter
The image background at each pixel is now estimated in the INTEGRATE
step by local fitting using the background table
Version June 30, 2023
Avoidance of strange characters in standard output upon reading images
using the DECTRIS neggia library. (Problem reported by Aaron Finke).
Maximum length of file names accepted by XDSCONV and XSCALE increased
to 256 characters.
Automatic removal of unused memory space in XSCALE.
Version January 10, 2022
Correction of a bug in the IDXREF step that could lead to an odd
indexing failure (error reported by Clemens Vonrhein).
Values for the input parameters
as used in the CORRECT step of XDS are shown in CORRECT.LP.
Default values for these parameters are defined in the documentation.
- An additional version of the XDS package, XDS-Apple_M1, is
provided for running natively under macOS Big Sur (or newer) on an
Apple Silicon processor.
Correction of a numerical problem in controlling the acceptance of
reflections in the CORRECT step of XDS by the input parameter
(problem reported by Jan Wollenhaupt).
Correction of a type mismatch in the routine linking the input
of data images to an external library routine.
Correction of reported indices for the difference vector clusters
in the special 2-dimensional case in the IDXREF step.
Exchange of 3 instructions to make the source code of the XDS package
strictly obeying the Fortran 90 language definition.
Correction of an error that might allocate processor threads to an
empty set of images in the COLSPOT step.
Optimized assignment of threads for a large multi-core processor
system during the COLSPOT step.
Change of the meaning of the correlation factors between data sets
reported by XSCALE. Previously, these factors indicated the success
of radiation damage corrections as correlation between mean
intensities of data sets as function of resolution.
The correlation factors now reported are calculated between
intensities of equivalent reflections from each data set pair
which is the more intuitive view
(pointed out by Oliver Weiergräber and Kay Diederichs).
Version February 5, 2021
Modification in the generic library routine used by XDS to avoid
a frequent error message (Kay Diederichs & Sebastian Thorarensen).
Construction of image file names was rendered thread-safe for the
parallel version of XDS (Kay Diederichs).
Prevention of a numerial overflow error in XSCALE (rarely occurring)
by using double precision for a few variables.
Additional information provided by XSCALE in the header of each scaled
output file. For each input file it is reported whether reflections
are merged and whether Friedel pairs are considered as different
reflections or not.
Correction of a reference in the XDS documentation describing the
input parameter INDEX_MAGNITUDE= (Clemens Vonrhein).
The input parameter
EXCLUDE_DATA_RANGE= is provided now to the CORRECT step as well.
This allows exclusion of reflections recorded by specific images
without rerunning the INTEGRATE step.
Correction of a bug in reading .h5 files by program
2cbf (Kay Diederichs).
Version January 31, 2020
The routine for collecting results from processing batches of images
during the INTEGRATE step was revised and enriched by the input parameter
This new parameter controls the addition of partial intensity contributions
to the same reflection from adjacent image batches.
Correction of code that could lead XDS to crash in the CORRECT step upon
reading the reflection input file INTEGRATE.HKL
(problem reported by James Holton and Kay Diederichs).
Error correction in the file headers of
Here, the wave vector was given instead of the direction cosines
for the parameter
In case of short wavelengths, typical for electron diffraction experiments,
this had lead XDS to crash upon reading the parameter in free format
due to missing blanks separating the components (problem reported by Paul Klar).
Version March 15, 2019
In the special case of a user supplied reading routine, specified by
the input parameter LIB=,
expansion of compressed images is now up to the external library
Changed default setting for the parameter
MERGE_TREE=0.2 used
in the IDXREF step.
Too small values could lead to an augmented lattice basis that might
prevent recognition of the correct unit cell and crystal symmetry
(Problem reported by Karin Fritz-Wolf).
step now accepts a completely vanishing background
(Problem reported by Tim Gruene).
Bug correction in XSCALE. The problem caused a lower quality of the
scaled data sets (reported by Kay Diederichs).
Error message was added in case of undefined input parameter
The default for the input parameter
which defines the maximum number of !$omp-threads,
is now provided by the hardware of the node executing each independent
job of XDS. This allows XDS to better exploit the capabilities of an
inhomogeneous processor cluster during the COLSPOT and INTEGRATE
steps (modified by Kay Diederichs).
A new input parameter
has been introduced to XDS and XSCALE which allows the user to control
the minimum required I/Sigma for reflections to
be used for the determination of scaling/correction factors.
The meaning of the parameter
has changed. It now only selects sufficiently strong reflections
for inclusion in the global refinemet in the CORRECT step of XDS. Its
former additional role in selection of reflections for the determination
of scaling/correction factors has been transferred to the separate
parameter SNRC=.
The new input parameter
is available to define the rotation
range covered by each batch of images. This allows a better control of
the number of correction factors used in XSCALE and the CORRECT step of XDS.
The input parameter
is now given priority in case this parameter is also present in the header
of the reflection input file.
Reduced execution time (~10%) for the INTEGRATE step of XDS by using
the option for buffered I/O for compilation.
Selection of a more robust low-intensity cut-off for accepting weak
spots in the COLSPOT step. This mitigates the influence of "hot" detector
pixels on indexing (reported by Clemens Vonrhein and colleagues at
Global Phasing Ltd.)
Version January 26, 2018
Revival of the refinement routine used by Version June 1, 2017 (BUILT=20170615).
The old routine is more suitable to correct errors in the specification
of the detector distance, often improving final data quality as well.
Slight changes in the meaning of parameters controlling difference
vector clusters in the IDXREF step;
Improved algorithm in the IDXREF step for recognizing a lattice basis
of unknown crystals. This replaces BUILT=20180302
which has been reported by Clemens Vonrhein and colleagues at
Global Phasing Ltd. to collapse in some cases.
The new input parameter
effective in the IDXREF step for unknown crystals,
allows the user to select translated reciprocal lattices
for merge with the dominant one.
XSCALE accepts the new input parameter
which can be used to prevent printing long lists of pair
correlation factors between the scaled data sets.
Improved estimate for the default value for the raster step size in
the 3D-histogram used for locating difference vector clusters in the
IDXREF step (input parameter
Improved error handling during the INTEGRATE step caused by the absence
of strong spots for determination of reflection profile parameters.
XSCALE accepts the new input parameter
which allows to reindex reflection indices specifically for each input
data set.
Version Novenber 11, 2017
XDS now accepts the new input parameter
allowing the user to define the grid size of the histogram for
finding difference vector clusters in the IDXREF step -
overriding automatic defaults.
Code improvement to avoid occasional program collapse in the attempt
to index a bogus set of spots.
will not be generated anymore in case the refinements in the
CORRECT step were unsuccessful.
The header of each output file generated by XSCALE now contains
the cell constants of each included input data set. This helps
detecting non-isomorphism and identifying compatible subsets
of input data.
Improved documentation for the input parameters of XSCALE.
XDS now handles images obeying the definition of TIFF Revision 6.0
Version June 1, 2017
XDS now accepts the new input parameter
for specification of processor nodes in a computer network
Automatic assignment of specified processors of a computer network for minimizing
the wall-clock time for running XDS. This implicates slight changes in the
meaning of the input parameters
Work-around to prevent XDS from collapse in a cluster of multiprocessor nodes
(reported by
Bug correction in the generic_reading routine for images with name extension .h5
Corrected documentation for the input parameter
Documentation of the input parameters
Change of the refinement protocol and of defaults for the refined parameters
at various stages of processing to reduce the risk of divergence of the procedure.
Revival of previous behaviour of XDS allowing parallel processing in case data
processing overlaps with the measurements.
The shell script forkxds also provides the parameter value maxcpu (again)
to simplify installation of XDS on a supercomputer cluster using a SLURM workload manager.
Prompt error message upon calling XDS when the specified dynamic library file
does not exist.
Correction of the consequences of a rounding error that could cause XDS
to collapse in the INTEGRATE step.
Clarification of the documentation on the parameter
in case a dynamically linked library is used for accessing images.
Bug correction in the COLSPOT step that sometimes refused too many
weak spots.
The input parameter
can now accept 2048 characters for naming the nodes of the cluster.
Modification of the shell script forkxds which now uses the full
path names of the invoked executables.
Negative values for the input parameter
are forbidden now.
Addition of an error message in case of incomplete parameter specification of multi-segment
detectors. For these instruments, this now prevents XDS from collapse at later stages of
Version November 1, 2016
XDS, MERGE2CBF, and 2CBF now accept the new input parameter
that specifies the name of an external library for reading images.
This new feature renders the XDS package independent from technical
details of future detector image formats.
New input parameter GAIN=
allows to fix the conversion factor between image pixel contents and
equivalent counts (for a pixel detector you could set GAIN=1.0).
Improvements in speed of XDS by parallel execution of the INIT step.
Increase from 32 to 99 for the maximum number of cpu's that can be
employed by the parallel version of XDS
Improved background determination for estimating reflection intensities.
Bug fix in XDS in representing large background values in BKGINIT.cbf.
Code changes in the INIT step of XDS to prevent a possible stack overflow
and subsequent collapse of the program.
Fine tuning in determination of low background for estimating reflection
intensities in the INTEGRATE step of XDS.
Bug correction in XDSCONV when using the output format keyword CCP4_I+F
for saving structure factor amplitudes as well as intensities in MTZ
Bug correction in XDSCONV in generating output files suitable for CCP4.
The bug could lead sometimes to reflection records IMEAN,SIGIMEAN=0,-1
Generalization of XDS for naming image templates accessed by an external
library routine specified by
Version May 1, 2016
XDS now accepts a new input parameter
for excluding data images from processing.
The new input parameter
forces the isotropic temperature factor of the processed data
to match the corresponding one of a reference.
Error correction in calculating the default value for the XDS parameter
The error could lower the efficiency of caching images in some cases.
XDSCONV now has the option to save structure factor amplitudes as well as intensities
in MTZ files using the new output format keyword
in specifying the parameter
fixes occasional problems in IDXREF by recompilation
of the package using the -fpe0 flag of the INTEL ifort compiler.
improves efficiency of the image cache
corrects a bug in XDSCONV for converting XDS files to filetype CCP4 when
using GENERATE_FRACTION_OF_TEST_REFLECTIONS. This special combination leads
to a loss of half the data. This bug is absent from all other cases and all
versions of XDSCONV released before May 1, 2016.
Version October 15, 2015
Improvements in speed of XDS by implementing a cache to access
detector images more efficiently (suggested by Kay Diederichs). A new input parameter,
is provided in XDS.INP for explicit control of the cache size
by the user.
Simplification in the method for calculating the initial value of the mosaicity. The
new method avoids a numerical problem that has lead to a crash during the INTEGRATE
step of XDS in rare cases.
The value of the input parameter OSCILLATION_RANGE= has been restricted to be a positive multiple of 0.0001 degrees.
Error correction in XSCALE (problem reported by
When merging datasets numbering several millions of reflexes
XSCALE collapsed (floating overflow) in the calculation of
dataset statistics.
Version June 17, 2015
Improvements of XDS in the determination of the integration region
of diffraction spots recorded at large detector distances (above 3500 mm)
and short wavelengths (below 0.02 Å).
Patch interpreting pixels of EIGER detector images with suspiciously
high values as broken.
Format changes at various places in the programs that allow for
sufficient space for printing large numbers.
Improvements in XSCALE by listing incompatible data sets or those
lacking overlap with the main set (suggested by Kay Diederichs).
Version March 1, 2015
Improvements of XDS for low dose data.
Improvements of XSCALE for efficient scaling of a large number of data sets.
To offer a possibility to suppress the generation of numerous control images
(which would hardly ever been looked at) the new input parameter
was introduced.
A simple user interface was introduced for controlling the refinement of
segment orientation and translation for a multi-segment detector; it uses
the two new input parameters
The former (misleading) keyword DISTANCE has been replaced by the keyword
POSITION for specifying refinable parameters during the
A utility program PIX2LAB
was added as a stand-alone program that helps
finding the laboratory coordinates for a pixel specified by the user according
to a given input file XDS.INP. This utility is thought to help the user verifying
the correctness of XDS.INP for complicated multi-segment detectors.
Error correction in the refinement routines for multi-segment detectors
(problem reported by Claus Flensburg, Clemens Vonrhein, and Gerard Bricogne).
Version November 3, 2014
XDS accepts XZ-compressed image files recognized by the .xz name extension
XDS accepts images obtained by the EIGER (DECTRIS) detector. The conversion
from HDF5-file format to .cbf requires installation of the separate program
H5ToXds available from DECTRIS
Correction of a bug in XSCALE that prevented scaling data sets containing
very few reflections. The program terminated with the incorrect message
(error reported by Dmitry Popov)
Correction of an error in calculating items ALF0,BET0,ALF1,BET1 of each
reflection record in file
(error reported by Claus Flensburg & Clemens Vonrhein)
Correction of a 32 bit integer overflow error in the INTEGRATE step that
let XDS silently terminate (error reported by Claus Flensburg). This error
occurred when trying to allocate a large number of finely rastered reflection
profiles in the learning phase.
Version January 10, 2014
Adaptation to read Rigaku's modified image format (SMV) for 200/300K pixel
Correction of a bug in the determination of reference profiles in the
INTEGRATE step of XDS that could cause a program crash.
Correction of a bug in background determination in the INIT
step that could result in the (wrong) error message
Increase from 8 to 9 positions for printing Rmeas in CORRECT.LP and XSCALE.LP.
This simplifies parsing the output by other programs.
Input file names up to 120 characters are now accepted by XSCALE
Version November 11, 2013
A possibility for omitting specified reflections from file INTEGRATE.HKL
in the CORRECT step has been included. These reflections are collected
in the new file
Typically, the file is generated by a dedicated user program to handle
special experimental situations in which parts of the detector
become obscured.
Bug correction in the XYCORR step of XDS in the case of
a multi-segment detector at vanishing
(Bug reported by Claus Flensburg.)
Correction of a bug in IDXREF that sometimes caused a failure to
recognize a given unit cell basis due to insufficient sampling of
possible basis orientations.
Version March 30, 2013
Version September 26, 2012
Bug correction in the IDXREF and CORRECT step of XDS. In some cases
basis vectors specified by the user in XDS.INP were ignored, using
non-equivalent alternative settings instead. The bug was introduced
in the previous version July 4, 2012 while earlier versions were o.k.
(bug reported by Clemens Vonrhein).
Version July 4, 2012
The four user input parameters REFLECTING_RANGE=, REFLECTING_RANGE_E.S.D.=,
BEAM_DIVERGENCE=, and BEAM_DIVERGENCE_E.S.D.= can be independently fixed
or automatically determined by XDS.
The new parameter, DATA_RANGE_FIXED_SCALE_FACTOR= i1 i2 s, was introduced
to allow an explicit specification of a scale factor 's' for each image
in the data range 'i1' to 'i2'. Any number of such parameters can be
specified. This new parameter replaces the previous one
Removal of outliers from the comparison of the new data with a reference
data set in the CORRECT step. The outliers have sometimes caused low
correlation factors being reported.
Version March 15, 2012
Replacement of Rmrgd-F by a correlation factor CC(1/2) between random
half-datasets for reporting results in CORRECT and XSCALE. CC(1/2) is
a useful indicator of crystallographic information in each resolution
shell. (Karplus & Diederichs).
Correction of a bug in the INTEGRATE step that lead to small inaccuracies
in the percentage of observed reflection intensities (item PEAK in
Version March 5, 2012
Correction of a bug in the INTEGRATE step that sometimes caused a
reading error (reported by Michel Fodje, Canadian Light Source).
Correction of a bug in the INTEGRATE step that lead to inaccurate
spot boundaries for rotation images with a large oscillation range.
(pinpointed by Kay Diederichs).
Version January 19, 2012
The input parameter
has been introduced to simplify exclusion of shaded pixel regions that
cannot be enclosed by border lines parallel to the detector's X and Y
controls the minimum allowed size of background islands on the detector.
Version December 31, 2011
Improvements in the INTEGRATE step by modelling of individual reflection
routes through the Ewald sphere (mainly affecting spots close to the
rotation axis).
Improvements in the success rate of the IDXREF step.
Routines for processing BRUKER SMART6000 images have been reactivated.
(Note, that XDS cannot correct these images for spatial distortions!)
The input parameter
has been introduced to handle data images with extremely low background.
Nearly vanishing background such as obtained from extremely fined-sliced
data from the PILATUS detector could lead to underestimated errors of the
integrated intensities. The optimal oscillation range need not be less
than half the crystal's mosaicity.
The input parameter
is now provided also to XSCALE allowing the user additional control
on accepting symmetry related reflections for determination of correction
Version December 6, 2010
The new input parameter
was introduced to check for the existence of a data image in units of
seconds rather than minutes. This new parameter
replaces the old parameter MINUTE= which is no longer accepted.
For stopping a running xds job more gracefully than by issuing CTRL-C
the user could now create a file named 'stop' in the XDS processing directory
by the command 'touch stop'. Each of the parallel threads then refuses to
process any more data images.
Correction of an error that prevented the reading of CBF-type files that are
compressed by gzip, bzip2, compress.
IDXREF now works more robustly with few reflections,
e.g. when indexing a single image.
Improvements in decision making for resolving ambiguities in the unit cell
basis vectors if a reference data set is present. (Effects CORRECT and XSCALE)
The recently developed fast scaling method
(Kabsch, 2010b)
was extended and is now again using the
smooth scaling equations (Kabsch, 1988b),
generally improving data quality.
Version May 10, 2010
Reduction of fluctuations in scaling factors of adjacent images with a
very low background (contributed by Kay Diederichs).
The new input parameter
was introduced to simplify exclusion of detector pixels behind the beam stop.
The highest signal-to-noise value that can be obtained by the experimental
set-up is reported in the CORRECT step as indicator of instrument error.
Version February 3, 2010
Version December 28, 2009
Error correction in determination of very low background for the PILATUS pixel
Version January 30, 2009
Automatic recognition of image file formats for most detectors currently in use.
XDS now uses 32 bit integers throughout to code image pixel values.
Control images generated by XDS are efficiently saved as 32 bit-pixels in the
CBF format, a byte-offset variant of the
format. Such images are indicated by the file name extension ".cbf".
The graphics program VIEW is no longer distributed with the XDS package.
It is recommended to use the open source program XDS-Viewer that
can display CBF-formatted images. Other file formats are supported
through the external conversion program 2cbf that comes with the XDS package.
XDS-Viewer is distributed under the GNU General Public License and must be
downloaded separately.
Executables of the XDS package for SGI (IRIX), Compaq alpha (Tru64), and
Apple Power Mac G4/G5 (OSX) are no longer provided.
Version September 10, 2008
Error correction in the CORRECT step of XDS. The error could prevent
the automatic selection of the correct unit cell setting with respect
to that of an external reference data set.
Version July 21, 2008
XDS now accepts images from the Rigaku Saturn 944+ CCD detector.
Version June 2, 2008
A subroutine to support space group determination was added to the
CORRECT step. Automatic assignments are based on a few decision
constants that can be modified by the user in XDS.INP. These new
input parameters are called
Bug correction in XDS. Error in calculating reflection boundaries for centered
lattices that could lead to inferior results at high resolution in the
INTEGRATE step (pointed out by Kay Diederichs).
Version December 6, 2007
Three new input parameters for use in the IDXREF step,
have been introduced to help the user maintaining a consistent indexing
scheme between several data sets taken from the same crystal in the same
The weighting scheme for obtaining reference profiles in the INTEGRATE
step that was introduced in the previous version proved inadequate
for data from the PILATUS pixel detector and has now been replaced by
the old weighting scheme.
Bug correction in XDS. The input parameter DATA_RANGE= was ignored in the
Bug correction in XSCALE. The column OBSERVED reported a too small number
of observed reflections in each resolution shell.
Version November 10, 2007
Minor change in weighting 3D reflection profiles in the determination
of references used for profile fitting in the INTEGRATE step. This may
result in a slight improvement of the final intensity data.
Small modification in estimating errors of reflection intensities resulting
in a reduction of random fluctuations of the errors.
Version October 10, 2007
Changes in the INTEGRATE step of XDS to reduce memory requirements. This
solves a problem in processing fine-sliced data images.
Version August 15, 2007
Minor bug corrections and simplifications in the use of XDSCONV and XSCALE.
Some of the input parameters, such as space group and cell constants, are
now extracted from the header of the input file by default. Note that the
definitions of the parameters
changed and a new parameter
has been included in XDSCONV and XSCALE. Thus, files XSCALE.INP and XDSCONV.INP
that worked for the previous versions of the programs are likely to need a
Version July 5, 2007
Bug correction in CORRECT. The intervals for reporting the statistics
were incorrectly chosen.
Bug corrections in XDSCONV that affected the conversion to CCP4 format.
XDSCONV has been extensively revised and now uses the keywords
CCP4_F and
instead of the old specifier FALL and IALL, respectively.
Version June 12, 2007
Improvements in CORRECT and XSCALE in calculations of correction factors
and error model parameters of reflection intensities.
Version May 8, 2007
The default value of the input parameter
has been changed from TRUE to FALSE.
Minor changes in CORRECT and XSCALE in calculations of correction factors
and error model parameters of reflection intensities.
Version March 15, 2007
XDS now accepts images in the
format (new format keyword is CBF).
The new input parameters
were introduced to XDS to specify the finite thickness of the silicon
sensor of the PILATUS pixel detector. They are used in the XYCORR and
CORRECT steps to account for parallax- and sensitivity effects.
The old input parameter AIR=
has become optional as the appropriate, wavelength-dependent value
will be calculated by XDS.
The old input parameter MINPK=
is effective now in the INTEGRATE as well as in the CORRECT step.
Restrictions on the total number of parameters of types
have been removed.
A new input parameter
has been introduced to allow the user to specify which corrections
should be made in CORRECT/XSCALE
Version December 6, 2006
New routines in CORRECT and XSCALE for rapid calculation of data correction
factors. The correction factors are provided as color coded 2-D images that
can be inspected with the VIEW program of the XDS-package.
Improved diagostics in CORRECT and XSCALE for detecting anomalous
signals in the collected data.
The new input parameter
was introduced to XDS and XSCALE which defines the minimum signal-to-noise
for reflections included in correction/scaling factor determinations.
The new input parameter
was introduced to XDS and XSCALE which defines the minimum number
of reflections needed for the determination of each correction factor.
The new input parameter
allows the user to specify the size of the 'blind region' for
excluding reflections close to the rotation axis.
Version August 18, 2006
Correction of an old bug in IDXREF. In rare cases this bug could
prevent the interpretation of the observed reduced cell vectors in
terms of the conventional cell leading to failure of IDXREF.
Correction of a bug in CORRECT introduced in the August 8 release. This
bug could lead to a core dump if an external reference data set was used.
First release of XDS for Apple MacBookPro (Intel Core Duo) on August 21, 2006.
Version August 8, 2006
The correction model adopted in CORRECT and XSCALE in the June 2006 release
turned out to be less robust than that of the older versions. For this
reason the old model was revived.
Version June 2006
The dynamic range of image pixel data that can be handled by XDS has
been increased to 20 bits (previously 18).
Faster execution of CORRECT and XSCALE, resulting from a new central
data structure more suitable for parallel execution (Openmp).
The CORRECT step has been modified to accept the additional input
parameter NBATCH=
which controls the number of absorption correction factors.
Consequently, the action of the input parameter
is now confined to the INTEGRATE step and no longer used by CORRECT.
Bug fix in the reading routine of images from the saturn92 and RAXIS
Removal of restrictions for the total number of input files or
reflections that can be processed by XSCALE.
Version November 2005
Bug correction with respect to the August 2005 version
(released after August 16, 2005):
Bug fix for the ADSC Q315 detector when the image header exceeds 512 bytes.
Version August 2005
Changes and bug corrections with respect to the May 2005 version
(released after June 30, 2005):
XDS now accepts images in the STOE format (Stoe & Cie GmbH, Darmstadt,
Germany). To correct the images for spatial distortions a new parameter
was introduced,
The routine for reading images in the STOE format as implemented in
XDS is incomplete because pixel values above 65535 are always treated as
The INTEGRATE and CORRECT steps of XDS as well as XSCALE now provide
Schwarzenbach and Flack's
psi-angle for each reflection which completely specifies diffraction
geometry with respect to the unit cell axes.
Correlation factors between observed and expected reflection profiles
reported near the end of INTEGRATE.LP have been incorrect and came out
too low (bug reported by Fred Vellieux, CNRS, Grenoble). The bug has no
consequences on the final data set.
The polarization correction factor was incorrectly calculated in the
INTEGRATE step. The effect on the final data set is likely to be
marginal in most situations. In case of doubt the INTEGRATE and CORRECT
steps should be repeated with the new version of XDS.
Version May 2005
The DEFPIX step has been modified to accept the input parameter
that was used previously only by the CORRECT step. The new
feature allows to exclude ice-rings from the trusted region of
the detector surface prior to the integration process.
The INTEGRATE step has been substantially revised. Compared with the
previous versions it requires only a moderate virtual address space
even for very large data sets.
The COLSPOT and INTEGRATE steps of XDS have been modified to make
efficient use of Unix/Linux-clusters to reduce the wall-clock time
needed for data processing. It is no longer required that the
processors at each cluster node share the same address space. In
case they do, XDS can exploit additional data parallelism at a more
fine-grained level. The user can set (in XDS.INP) the number of nodes
in the cluster by the new input parameter
Obsolete input parameters (causing XDS to stop with an error message):
© 2005-2025, MPI for Medical Research, Heidelberg
page last updated: Jan 19, 2025